Assessment & Reporting

Non Examination classes (First, Second & Fifth Years) currently undergo summative assessment in November in each of these three years and again at the end of each year. Comprehensive reports are prepared at these times. Progress Reports are prepared for all years at Halloween & Easter. These reports are available for parents/guardians to view and print on the college website and are accessible only by using a unique pin number.Exam Classes are assessed in February through the mock/pre exams. These exams currently are marked by the class teachers and comprehensive feed-back given to students on their performance and how their results may be improved in state exams.

Transition Year students receive reports at the end of each module rotation. In recent years this has been either three or four times in the year, depending on the number of students/classes electing to take the Transition Year Option. Transition Year students sit formal end of year exams in core subjects (Irish, English & Maths) as well as Modern Languages (French, German or Spanish).

Formative assessments are set regularly throughout the year with subject teachers providing feedback to students and to parents through the Student Journal.
Study Skills and Homework are covered as topics in SPHE classes and Study Skills seminars are offered to exam year students on a voluntary basis.

Students’ progress is regularly monitored, both formally and informally, through the pastoral care structures of the college, and where there is cause for concern, contact may be made with parents/guardians to discuss progress and how it may be developed/improved.

These procedures are subject to review and to change as new initiatives and improvements may be implemented, in order to provide the best possible communication of progress to students and to parents/guardians.