Leaving Certificate Applied

Leaving Cert Applied (5th & 6th Year)Leaving Cert Applied (LCA) is a two year Leaving Certificate available to students who wish to pursue a practical Leaving Certificate programme with a vocational focus. It is a practical Leaving Certificate programme that places particular emphasis on preparation for the world of work and life-long learning. Work experience is a significant component of the programme and students get to sample a range of jobs. The learning experiences are active and practical where students get to apply their knowledge, skills and experience to real-life situations in the school, in the workplace and in the wider community.

There is less emphasis on the final exams as coursework is assessed throughout the two years and students gain “credits” as they go along. Students’ work and skill development is assessed in different ways including interviews, written, oral and practical components. There is a strong emphasis on regular attendance with 31% of the available credits over the two years awarded for ongoing attendance, classwork and assignments.

35% of the credits are awarded for seven student tasks (projects) and the remainder for the final examination. In total, 200 credits are available and the LCA qualification is awarded on a Pass (120-139 credits), Merit (140 -169 credits) & Distinction (170-200 credits) basis. Class numbers are small so that each student can get as much individual attention from teachers as possible.