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Spring Wishes.

Dear Students, Parents and Colleagues,

I hope this message finds you all safe and well as we move on from St. Brigid’s Day, traditionally the first day of spring. It marked the end of winter and brought with it the promise of new life as days grew longer and warmer.

It is particularly important for all of us to look forward with as much hope as possible as we emerge from the darkest of winters. Life has been challenging for all of us since last March when the first wave of Covid-19 hit and we went into lockdown, with schools closed until the end of the academic year. Although it was tough, with hardship, anxiety, sickness and loss of life, there was optimism and summer was on its way. Through great national effort virus levels were reduced and life during the summer returned to some semblance of normality for many.

Schools re-opened in September and adapted to this new normal and the steps necessary to ensure minimised risk for all in the school community. Our own Lasallian community here in Dundalk certainly rose to the challenge and we had no case of the transmission of Covid-19 between students within our school during that term. This was achieved through maximum effort and compliance by all right through the second wave and national level 5 restrictions before Christmas.

The severity of the third wave that hit over Christmas exceeded the direst predictions of NPHET and has left us once more in the hands of “distance” teaching and learning. Since the end of the last academic year, much work has been done by the Board of Management, school management, staff and students to ensure a smoother continuity of learning should schools be forced to close and move online again. We have moved from Google Classroom to Microsoft Teams, a platform that offers much more potential for a diversity of approaches to teaching and learning. Sincere thanks are due to all for the very positive engagement with this further challenge in turbulent and unpredictable circumstances. Three weeks into our current situation we see greater and more productive engagement from students and a closer adherence to the school timetable than was the case last spring. Teachers are providing a variety of learning opportunities for students through live and pre-recorded lessons, instructional videos and presentations and can give meaningful feedback to students through the Teams platform. Students are reminded that full respect is required during live lessons and that any disrespect or disruption will result in removal from the class and possible suspension from further live classes.

It is very important at this time that we adapt a holistic approach. School work is important, but so is overall health and wellbeing. We are in a very different place than last spring. Many families have now been hit by illness and bereavement along with all of the uncertainty and upheaval endured since March 2020. The optimism we shared before Christmas of imminent vaccination and a return of normality as we knew it has been dampened by the meteoric rise in cases and deaths and a return to the most stringent of restrictions. We are further from the end of the school year than last time and evenings are still long, dark and cold. There is much uncertainty still about a return to school and the certificate exams, but we are not helpless. We need “hold firm” and continue to do our best.

We are told that we should concern ourselves more with things that are within our control rather than those outside our control. Each day we have an opportunity to engage and do our best in relation to schoolwork and life at home. This can provide structure and certainty that we are best prepared for whatever the future holds. The daily roll call at 11.05 and weekly live PC class on Wednesday offer regular engagement with others. Teachers are conducting live classes with groups at least once a week and engagement with pre-recorded classes and related assignments is very positive. The Digital Team continues to provide support to both staff and students to ensure maximum access for all to ensure the continuity of learning. We thank them for their expertise, their patience and the very positive reassurance they give to all who seek their help.

Thank you all for your good-natured perseverance through these tough times. With each passing day we are a step closer to seeing one another in person again. We still have work to do but once again as a nation we have worked hard to achieve a remarkable decrease in levels of Covid in the community in recent weeks. This community spirit will see us through the coming weeks leading into the midterm break. It is in caring for others that we best help ourselves. We wish you all the best in your endeavours over the coming weeks and hope we can all enjoy the simple pleasures of nature’s renewal as spring takes hold.

Please God we will be back in school shortly!

Kind regards,

Mrs. O’ Leary

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